XO is an international digital and print experience operating primarily out of New York, Dallas, Los Angeles and London bringing the masses freshly squeezed new music, fashion, culture and visual joy from all over the world.
Operating since 2009 XO began as a personal project of Aurora ‘Baby Reckless’ Sims in the Dallas area, influenced by a deep love of new indie music. In the beginning she produced everything herself – from commissioning shoots, coordinating crews, doing interviews, scouring for new music and finding talent to designing and publishing issues – again all with her own two hands. It wasn't long until interested contributors joined the project from around the world.
In a few short years XO would establish its own editorial voice that quickly captured the hearts of new followers, talent and business entities as a new voice of media – one that appreciates talent and is focused on what we love vs. what we don’t care for. XO Is truly 21st century media brand — operating in a purely virtual manner (no offices here! for now anyway), decidedly sticking to what we know and love. Recognizing the importance of print in media – Aurora and her team works tirelessly to produce quality content without relying heavily on advertisers and building relationships with virtual bookstores as well as bookshops around the world.
Always inspired and motivated by a deep abiding obsession for pop, rock, culture, fashion and the world at large, Aurora tends to give these obsessions life through XO. But as the brand (and our editor) evolve and change so does the focus. But the creative community – especially the independent creative – will always be the foundation and dominates XO’s pages – print or otherwise.
XO produces 2 publications: our Quarterly seasonal Issue (the big sister); our former newszine the XO EDIT (the little sister) – has been reborn into a monthly curated selection of the latest in music, fashion and culture available exclusively on our app which is available for iOs and Android.
Our readers/followers are amazing. Aficionados of art, music, photography, dance, fashion and design, we get love and support from New York, London and LA but also incredible locations like Rio de Janeiro, Bangkok, Vancouver, Portland and Berlin.
We are fun. We are chill. We like to look good. We like our music loud. We want the world on a plate. We appreciate beauty. We are family. #wearexo
All of what we love. None of what we don’t.
Aurora Sims | EIC, Founder
Twitter/Instagram: @baby_recklesss
“All of what we love. None of what we don’t.