MUSIC | Hills, Valleys and Pines: A Fine Frenzy
Just like a person enters and changes with each stage in life, musicians endure similar challenges and phases of growth with each album. Alison Sudol, better known as Ali, of A Fine Frenzy releases her third album, Pines, and in 13 songs finds herself. Sitting with Ali, it is apparent that a major change has occurred. Gone is the eye-snatching red hair (replaced with her natural color, an ash blonde) and musically, gone is her more pop-minded, piano laced sound and songs of longing and heartbreak.
In Pines, Ali reveals herself to herself. She remarks, “I feel very different now. I made this record, basically not only deciding for myself but also having that decision mirrored by the people around me, because I was very fortunate to be very supported through this. But the pressure I put on myself was to make the most honest, most beautiful… album, I could possibly make. To challenge myself to grow, and to make a real piece of art I could be proud of. That’s all the pressure I put on myself. And that’s a lot of pressure – but it’s a very productive pressure.”
A Fine Frenzy enjoys a strong following across the board, and Ali prides herself on being connected with fans – especially via her twitter and Tumblr. Fans of A Fine Frenzy will undoubtedly recognize Ali’s spirit in Pines and perhaps, find their own way through an album of self-recognition and beauty.